Painting Inspiration


If you saw the last painting of mine I posted on May 3rd, I had mentioned that I got the idea from a statue that I had seen. Well, Holy Zacharoni, I found a picture of that very statue! Check it out. Yes, I realize the statue has a much more realistic look to it, but I never claimed to be a brilliant painter. Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to show my inspiration, so you could compare it to the painting that came out of it. And, of course, I am most curious about what you all think, so please do comment!

10 responses to “Painting Inspiration

    • Thank you very much! I always felt my paintings had an “amateur” look to them, but I am, of course, my own worst critic! I hope to do more painting in the very near future. I have several that are started and just need some detail before I can photgraph and post them. 😉

      • I know from your posts that you are looking for a job, why don;t you try to sell some of your paintings?

        • Take photos of them, and then place the photos on ebay or even wordpress and ask people to bid on them, give them a time limit (say 3 days?) and then whoever has the highest bid when the time is up buys the painting. You may have to negotiate shipping (depending on size this probably won’t be a big deal) and you are being paid for doing something you love.

        • I am very fond of my paintings and it would be hard to give them up, however, given the financial bind I am in, I just might check into eBay and see what I can do there. Thank you for the suggestion. I will be sure to let you know if I follow through or chicken out. Lol

  1. I saw your painting and found it to be absolutely beautiful, what a wonderful and meaningful gift to give away!

    You ARE brilliant! 🙂

    • Thank you. I am really not good at all with painting “figures” and especially faces. I redid her face a couple dozen times! It turned out ok, but was no easy feat. The most important thing about my paintings is that I really enjoy the creation process. I have also seen your creativity and will be over to your blog soon to comment! 🙂

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